Artificial Intelligence...

Within Reach

Discover how AI can transform your small or medium-sized business. Level the playing field with practical AI solutions designed for your scale.

Contact us

AI Assessments

Need help Identifying your Risks and Opportunities?

Chat With Your Data

Private and secure, generative AI solutions connected to your data.

AI-Powered Automations & System Integration 

Use generative AI to automate away tedious and expensive processes and integrate your systems.

Custom AI Projects

Have a specific project in mind? Let us help you.

Outcome-based Pricing

We only charge a portion of the amount we save you. 


One of the few companies who have completed successful AI projects.

Engineering & Construction

  • Automated correspondence and log management processing. 

  • Chat with your drawings. 

  • Vendor AI analysis. 


  • Augmented and automated social media post generation and other content generation workflows. 

  • Copyright infringement reducting practices. 

Health, Wellness, and Medical

  • Wellness coaches and chatbots

  • HIPAA-Compliant solutions